Midfoot/Arch Pain


Tarsal Coalition

Tarsal Coalitions are a rare cause of pain in a childs’ foot. They result from a failure of the body to achieve normal skeleton growth. The cause begins in-utero when the foot of the foetus is developing. The cells do not divide properly and a “fusion” occurs. Coalitions can be between 2 or more of any of the bones of the

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Adult Acquired Flatfoot – Tibialis Posterior Tendon Dysfunction

Flatfoot is a common problem in both children and adults. However in adults the problem is usually caused by a tendon. The Tibialis Posterior muscle is the deepest muscle in the calf complex. It plays a major role in the stability of the foot and in holding the arch up. The tendon of this muscle travels down the leg behind

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Heel Spurs

A Spur is a bony growth that occurs due to excessive pulling of the tendon on the bone. In the case of Heel Spurs, the vast majority of spurs are asymptomatic or pain free. The cause of your pain is usually created from the excessive pulling of the tendon or Fascia that is inserting into the bone. This creates a

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Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar Fasciitis is the most common cause of adult heel pain. The Plantar Fascia is a thick fibrous band of tissue that runs from the medial Calcaneal Tubercle (Centre of the heel) to the base of the proximal phalanx/1st metatarsal (Big toe joint). With lesser bands across the other toes. Pain is often a result of poor mechanics (The way

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Neuroma (Mortons)

A Neuroma is a benign thickening of the Nerve tissue along its pathway. Thickening to the nerve is a response to trauma to the tissue, commonly caused due to pressure, compression and rubbing. This can result in the nerve becoming trapped in its sheath (The outer casing the nerve runs through) or being squeezed into a space it no longer

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Paediatric Flat Feet (kids)

Flat feet is a complaint that we often see in our clinics. There are a number of reasons why children have flat feet and this can vary depending on their age and foot morphology (Shape and structure). For a period after your child is born and starts walking, flat feet is a normal appearance. This is partly due to most

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Warts are a contagious skin lesion caused by Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). There are several different strains of HPV, each with different areas of the body they affect. The strains that cause Warts or Verrucae’s being benign. Contracting a Wart is surprisingly easy, all it takes is a break/scratch in the skin. The wart virus is very resistant and can

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Stress Fractures

Did you know there are 26 bones in your foot? Together both your feet account for 1/4 of the bones in your body. Bones, contrary to popular belief, are very much alive and are constantly changing. If we do more activity they get thicker and stronger, less so the less we do. Because of this dynamic remodelling of the bone,

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