

Foot Strengthening

Your feet have more than 100 muscles, tendons and ligaments. As we grow, these structures develop to enable the movements that we put our feet and lower limb through on a daily basis. Our muscles, tendons and ligaments become bigger and stronger the more we use them. However the opposite is just as true, if we don’t use it we lose

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Dry Needling

Dry Needling uses the same needles as Accupuncture. However the locations and depth the needle is inserted changes depending on the target structure. After identifying the problem our Podiatrists may suggest this treatment to help manage your symptoms as part of a comprehensive treatment protocol. The technique of releasing myofascial triggers with fine needles relieves the pain caused by musculoskeletal

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Steroid Injections

When a structure of the body is injured there is an inflammatory response to that injury. This is a natural part of the bodies healing process, that while necessary, can often become a problem for a variety of reasons including: Not resting/recovering for a sufficient period of time to allow for the structure to heal. Disease process – Some medical

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Prolotherapy is an interventional injection therapy that our Podiatrists can offer to aid the treatment of many different conditions. Prolotherapy works through Dilation (Stretching/Widening) of the injection site and the introduction of  hyperosmolar dextrose (Sugar) to the target area. This widening of the space allows for more movement and a disruption of adhesions (Sticky tissue). While the dextrose causes a localised

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Gait Retraining

Do you get pain when you walk or run? Do your feet, ankles, shins or knees hurt after exercise? Do you have abnormal wear on your shoes? This can be a sign of alignment issues causing injury to your joints and muscles When you are walking your body absorbs up to three times your body weight with each foot strike.

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Hydrodilation is an interventional injection therapy that our Podiatrists can offer to aid the treatment of many different conditions. Hydrodilation works through Dilation (Stretching/Widening) of the injection site, this is usually done into a joint space, or the space between the metatarsals of the foot. This widening of the space allows for more movement and a disruption of adhesions (Sticky

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Foot Mobilisation Therapy

Foot mobilisation is a treatment technique where a trained Podiatrist moves the joints of your foot and lower limb throughout the target joints’ range of motion. This is done for a variety of reasons. When you injure yourself often the tissue and fascia become ‘sticky’ from the injury or lack of movement of the area. This can lead to the

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