Plantar Plate


The Plantar Plate is responsible for holding all the tiny bones in your toes straight and in proper alignment. It is a collection of small fibrous bands that run underneath your foot and connects the bones of the forefoot to the bones in your toes.

Injuring the plantar plate is relatively common especially due to modern changes like:

  • Tapered footwear
  • High heels
  • Hard surfaces

When the plantar plate is injured or ruptured it is characterised by pain in the ball of your foot especially when the toes are flexed (Curled up) or hyperextended (bent backwards too far).

Common ways to injure the plantar plate are:

  • Tripping
  • Falling off of a step
  • Kicking your toe
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Pregnancy
  • Sporting accidents

Early treatment of plantar plate injuries is important to help prevent or minimise the risk of deformity from the toe drifting out of position while the fibrous bands are damaged.

Treatment varies depending on the severity of the injury and the underlying structure and working of your foot. Our expert Podiatrists will take an in-depth history and exam to determine what exactly your custom treatment plan should be. This may include:

  • Strapping
  • Bracing
  • Orthotics
  • Exercises
  • Dry Needling
  • In-shoe Padding
  • Low Level Laser
  • Toe Separators

In some severe cases surgical intervention can be required to realign or straighten toes from chronic unresolved plantar plate ruptures.

Book an appointment today and let us help you find your feet.

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