Forefoot Pain


Hallux AbductoValgus (Bunions)

Hallux AbductoValgus (HAV) or bunions are the deformity of the 1st metatarsophalangeal joint (Big toe joint) Bunions cause a sideways deviation of the great toe towards the lesser toes.  This increased angle and associated destabilisation of the plantar plate leads to the great toe either sitting over or under the 2nd toe. A Bunion can start for a number of reasons:

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Plantar Plate

The Plantar Plate is responsible for holding all the tiny bones in your toes straight and in proper alignment. It is a collection of small fibrous bands that run underneath your foot and connects the bones of the forefoot to the bones in your toes. Injuring the plantar plate is relatively common especially due to modern changes like: Tapered footwear

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Neuroma (Mortons)

A Neuroma is a benign thickening of the Nerve tissue along its pathway. Thickening to the nerve is a response to trauma to the tissue, commonly caused due to pressure, compression and rubbing. This can result in the nerve becoming trapped in its sheath (The outer casing the nerve runs through) or being squeezed into a space it no longer

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Corns can form anywhere on the foot, these result from increased pressure or rubbing to an area. There are different types of corns that are dependant on the area and reason for them growing. The bodies response to this increased pressure or rubbing is to lay down more hard skin protein (Keratin). Keratin is extremely dense and is compressed by

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Warts are a contagious skin lesion caused by Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). There are several different strains of HPV, each with different areas of the body they affect. The strains that cause Warts or Verrucae’s being benign. Contracting a Wart is surprisingly easy, all it takes is a break/scratch in the skin. The wart virus is very resistant and can

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A Bursa is a fluid filled sac that usually sits between a tendon and a bone to help the tendon slide and glide over a bone without damage. Bursa can become inflammed for a variety of reasons including: Compression, Irritaiton, Sudden changes of activity, and pregnancy. When the Bursa becomes inflammed and irritated there is an increase in the size

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Stress Fractures

Did you know there are 26 bones in your foot? Together both your feet account for 1/4 of the bones in your body. Bones, contrary to popular belief, are very much alive and are constantly changing. If we do more activity they get thicker and stronger, less so the less we do. Because of this dynamic remodelling of the bone,

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Ingrown / Involuted / Painful Nails

Ingrown nails can be a painful and unsightly condition caused by a variety of factors. Any side of any toe can be affected, however generally it is the big toe nails that are the culprit. There are several mechanisms for an ingrown nail to occur and frequently these are: Ill fitting shoes Incorrect cutting technique Poor range of movement through

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