Knee Pain


Os-Good Schlatters (Kids)

Os-Good Schlatters disease causes pain in the adolescence. Your child will usually feel pain at the front and bottom half of the knee. Pulling on the growth plate by the muscles of the thigh is what causes the pain. A growth plate is an area of the maturing skeleton where the bone has a line of cartilage where the growing

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Illiotibial Band (ITB) Syndrome

The Illiotibial band (ITB) is a thick tendonous structure on the outside of your thigh that arises from the Iliac crest (Top of the hip bone) and the Tensor Fascia Latae (A small but important muscle of the buttock), and inserts into the outside edge of your Tibia (Lower leg bone). Many muscles of the buttock and thigh have their

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Paediatric Flat Feet (kids)

Flat feet is a complaint that we often see in our clinics. There are a number of reasons why children have flat feet and this can vary depending on their age and foot morphology (Shape and structure). For a period after your child is born and starts walking, flat feet is a normal appearance. This is partly due to most

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A Bursa is a fluid filled sac that usually sits between a tendon and a bone to help the tendon slide and glide over a bone without damage. Bursa can become inflammed for a variety of reasons including: Compression, Irritaiton, Sudden changes of activity, and pregnancy. When the Bursa becomes inflammed and irritated there is an increase in the size

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Stress Fractures

Did you know there are 26 bones in your foot? Together both your feet account for 1/4 of the bones in your body. Bones, contrary to popular belief, are very much alive and are constantly changing. If we do more activity they get thicker and stronger, less so the less we do. Because of this dynamic remodelling of the bone,

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Bakers Cysts

Cysts are a fluid filled sac containing Synovium, this is the fluid that lubricates our joints (Like oil does to a car engine). Sometimes when pathological forces are applied through the knee, an enlargemnet of the joint linning (Cyst formation) can occur. This is usually harmless when the enlargement is relatively small, however continued growth of the cyst or its

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In-toeing / Pigeon toes

In toeing is a condition where your child walks with their feet turned in towards the other foot; this may not happen with every step. This is generally considered to be abnormal. In-toeing is caused by the hips and knees rotating inwards making the foot and leg circumduct (swing in a semi-circle) while your child walks. This is an inefficient way

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Medial Compartment Osteoarthritis (Inside Knee Joint Pain)

Is your knee hurting when you sleep on your side? Or go up and down stairs? You may have Osteoarthritis in your knees. The knee is made of up the Tibia, Femur, and Patella (Leg bone, Thigh bone, and Knee cap). They work together similar to a hinge, in that they bend and flex to allow for you to walk

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